Mainstream Media Lies

Last Updated on December 4, 2022 by Raider1

This post will be home to examples of how the mainstream media lies to us. I will update it as new examples come to light.

In recent years, it has become more obvious that the media is just the propaganda arm of the powers that be. It spouts and touts whatever they want us to hear.

When you consider that 6 corporations own 90% of the mainstream media in America, you can begin to see how easy they are to control.

So, from the mainstream media we get the “official narrative” when we’ve been taught to expect the truth. True journalism is dead when it comes to corporate media.

As truthseekers we are forced to seek alternative sources which are then almost impossible to prove credible. Credibility is relative. Bias is everywhere.

This is all you really need to know:

This video was released by Deadspin on April 2, 2018. It illustrates how local stations around the country affiliated with Sinclair Broadcasting were given the same script to read.

This is significant because it means no one was actually reporting…they were puppeteering. How often does this happen? A lot.

mainstream media lies

These images were widely circulated following Hurricane Florence bashing CNN for false reporting. We already know they lie. However, it was pointed out that this was actually from Hurricane Ike a decade earlier and that Anderson Cooper had demonstrated the different depths of the water. Whatever the case, it looks shady.

Then during the Gulf War, this gem was captured of more CNN fakery. I think it’s hilarious how the one guy puts on a gas mask and the other puts on a helmet. It’s ridiculous.

This one is particularly interesting when you consider how it came to be. In the 90’s this guy spent a year recording satellite tv feeds that were being broadcast, but weren’t officially on air. What you get is all the theatrics behind the media. The mainstream media lies become apparent. The world is a stage and these people are obviously players.

The Twitter Files

In December of 2022 about a month after he took control of Twitter, Elon Musk revealed that the previous owners and operators of the social platform had colluded with political entities to alter the results of the 2020 election and the 2024 election as well.

Internal communication showed that at first, both the DNC and GOP were sending requests in to review specific posts for removal. As time went on, and things like the Hunter Biden laptop came to light, things shifted to an obvious bias toward the DNC.

So, while both parties were involved at first and should be held accountable for treason, Twitter revealed its allegiance to the left and so has the Mainstream Media.

In the meantime, they were spinning the laptop story as Russian disinformation only to have to totally backtrack when they just couldn’t deny it any further.

Online sources such as USAToday and the Washington Post are reporting on the Twitter Files, but the MSM on television is silent. Why? Because they too, hold allegiance to the left.

The Twitter Files were released via Twitter in a thread containing more than 36 tweets. Much thanks to Pirate Wires over on Substack for organizing the chaos –

Download it here.

My Personal Mainstream Media Lies Conclusion

I stopped watching the news in 2020. The gloom and doom of a global plandemic…I mean pandemic were too much. My mental health declined.

I call it the Lose…every time you watch it, you lose something…your faith in humanity, your joy, and hope dies.

The numbers out of the China, the stats from the CDC, Dr. Fauci…… was all so blatantly rehearsed.

I have become a skeptic of everything government and especially if they start cycling it through the news. They have lied about so much. How can anyone trust them to tell the truth about anything?

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