Art Bell Chupacabra

The legend of the Chupacabra "Goat Sucker" lives on! This creature has been reported all over the continent. Here are some photos and information gathered from listeners and reporters.

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Photos, Stills, & Drawings

A Chupa made entirely out of garden equipment. Posted 9/22/97

Another Chupacabra?? Here is the story from Michael White:

An unknown animal was run over in Dequincy (a town about 10 miles north of us.) Someone took pictures of the animal and sent them to "The Dequincy News" ( A small bi-weekly paper) After reading the article my friend took interest and called to see what happened to the body. The paper told them that "for all they knew, it's still out on the road." Immediately my friends went out and found what was left of it (I think it had been out there a couple of weeks by this time.) One of them still has the remains. Then they found the woman who took the original photos and made copies of these. (the B&W in the paper isn't a great picture.) Then I showed up...

I immediately went to the library and got on the internet to dig up what I could on the Chupacabra. I was overwhelmed by the amount of reports and the variations of descriptions and experiences, so I focused on the connecting facts and the earlier reports which seemed alot more credible. One of the common elements of many of the early reports was that it contained lots of hair, and that it had a "baboon face". In the Dequincy article, (which is only a paragraph long) There in print was the term "baboon face" again, this to me definitely meant that this could very well be the Chupacabra. Upon talking to another Phenomenon buff I was told that it sounded alot like a legendary creature known as "The Plum Creek Creature", also from Louisiana. I still need to check more into that. Below is the article, word for word...

THE DEQUINCY NEWS vol 72, No.24 Sept. 25, 1996, Dequincy La. 70633

WHAT IS IT? Mrs. Barbara Mullins took this photograph of an animal that apparently had been killed by a car on the Pearce road east of Temple-inland. It was the size of a very large dog and was covered with thick wooly hair. It had the general appearance of a dog, except for the face, which looked somewhat like that of a baboon. Was it a dog or some unidentified animal?

Additional information: About the size of a large St. Bernard. The face is like skin with a baboon shape. The limbs seem very small and frail for such a large animal. It had no tail. It seems to have large shoulder-blades, and shoulders. I am working to find a good place to have some of the bones sent for analysis. Posted 8/20/97. - missing image

What child doesn't love a goat-sucking alien with a nifty name? We've all seen the children's cereal commercials where the product's mascot is denied the very product he endorses over and over again. Well NOT TRUE with new CHUPACABRA CRUNCH!! The Chupacabra can eat as many red marshmallow goats as he wants and so can kids! Together with blue claws, green aliens, and saucer-shaped whole grain cereal a nutritious breakfast is a heartbeat away! Served best with goats milk, this delicious cereal provides nine essential vitamins and minerals not found in nature. And don't forget to look for your very own alien toy found inside every box! Collect all 51! DON'T DELAY - Get CHUPACABRA CRUNCH TODAY!

From a video of a TV station report in San Antonio of a captured Chupacabra on Farmers land. Here is the supporting E-Mail message from the reporter Derik Lattig

Still images from the program "Strange Universe", featuring photos of a Chupacabra. Images transferred from video to computer by Sharon.

A another suggested photo of a Chupacabra. Submitted Dec 3, 1996 by Dave who claims his cat Gomez dragged it in! :-) Actually this is a photo of the "Batratspidercrab" monster from the movie "The Angry Red Planet."

A little art imitating life? David Seffren says: "Here is a picture of a chupa I spotted in Rhinelander, WI. Just after I took this picture the thing devoured a small child. Unfortunately, this was the last picture on the roll and by the time I loaded the next roll, the chupa had disappeared into the parallel dimension from which it came. In respect of the memory of that child -snif- I think you should really put this up on the page. -snif snif- At the least to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again. Keith, do it for ... for the child ... for all the children ! I gotta go now, I'm dripping tears all over the keyboard." Me thinks David has an imagination!

A suggested photo of a Chupacabra, as documented by this attached E-Mail. Nice halloween costume!

"In an infinite cosmos all dreams are true."

An animation of the Chupacabra by Kent Steadman.

Kent Steadman's Page
EMail Kent Steadman

A another suggested photo of a Chupacabra. It's actually from a "Goosebumps" book cover. Hear the Chupacabra Song on the Sound Clips Page.

A drawing by Carmen Rizzolo of the Chupacabra

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