In Search Of

Last Updated on September 6, 2021 by Raider1

As I was working to restore, I came across a link to…a website chock full of the same type of content and long abandoned to the Wayback Machine.

I jotted down the URL on my notepad. This was the first one. I’ve since got a list of sites I’ve found in this same manner. Restored Homepages


What Was

In Search Of was run by R. Daniel Woolman. As of this writing, I know exactly ZERO about him or who he was other than it appears he is deceased and lived in California. As I restore the site, I’m sure I will uncover more information about R. Daniel Woolman which I will include here.

According to the Wayback Machine, it appears that had a storied life. It was online for about 4 years before going offline for several years. In 2014, a rough index seems to have appeared online for a while. The domain is now owned by the Chinese who are apt to buy old domains quite a lot. For what purpose, I am not privy to. focused on esoteric topics like Hale-Bopp, the New World Order, HAARP, crop circles, the Philidelphia Experiment, and much more.