Art Bell – UFOs

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Roswell UFO Crash

Photos of crash wreckage sent anonymously to Art. See accompanying Anonymous Letter and the Scientific Report.

Here is a GAO report concerning the Roswell incident. It is about 40K long.

Crash wreckage metal photo from the Roswell Museum. Art reads newspaper article regarding this object.

(3 Minutes, 12 Secs, 189K)

Letter & Article from the Roswell Museum & Roswell Daily Record.

Here are the electronic scanning microscopic images of the above copper/silver piece, talked about by Linda Howe, on Coast to Coast, Sept. 6, 1996. Here is the Press Release.

Wreckage parts and metal piece with symbols

Control panels made for hands with 6 fingers. And a rendition of the above symbols.

Other UFO Pictures

A video snapshot of the UFO over Glendale from Jeff Willes. This will be discussed on Dreamland, Nov 2, 1997. The full video will played on FOX 10 News in Phoenix. - missing image

A very unusual object flying in an Easterly direction near the Las Vegas skyline. It has a classic flying saucer look. It flew very slowly and was completely silent. Submitted by Allan Lundell

Here's an interesting photo I took just this evening (approx. 7:55 pm PST) looking east over the northern part of Las Vegas toward Sunrise Mountain. This photo was shot from my Sony Mavica Digital Camera in darkness. It's absolutely undoctered. It was moving slowly from left to right. Perhaps a blimp? Dick Mucci

Washington UFO seen by many on the evening of November 14th, 1997. It claims to be a Russian SL-12 Rocket entering our atmosphere. Here are images from Pat Marker and Craig Sutton.

Stonehenge, England, a UFO or a diamond in the sky with Lucy?

New Mexico UFO Picture by Paul Villa.
More pictures can be found at Ovni Chapterhouse

Submitter says this was taken in Miami, Florida in 1994 by Pleiadian contact man named Adrain. But other reports say it is a frame from one of the Star Wars movies, with the background altered. Hey, we just post 'em, we don't claim them to be true!

Billy Meier case in Switzerland. Here is the Official Billy Meier Web Site.

Two more supposedly UFO Pictures. But as Richard A. Bryan ( explains: The image in question is Gibraltar as seen from the eastern side. That thing in the photos is called the "Water Catchments" and does, in fact, capture water from moist air as the wind blows across it. The water catchments accounts for about 40 percent of the potable water production (the rest being provided by desalinization plants.

Sean David Morton Images

This photo was taken by Pleiadian contactee Adrain, from INSIDE another UFO. He is about 30,000 feet above the coast of Florida. Two ships, representing two variations of "Beam Ships", are seen flying above the clouds.


This incredible photo was taken in 1995 by Pleiadian contactee Adrain. He used to live on the top floor of a condo complex next to a golf course in Miami, Florida. He crouched down on his porch when they appeared in order to get the patio railing in the shot to show some distance and perspective. These four craft represent various advances in Pleiadian technology. The craft on the far right, he claims, is a German craft built in the 1920s with assistence from the Pleiadians. This group of 'P's come from a planet called Romul in the Alcyone star system. This is just one of nearly a thousand pictures that are currently being analyized.

This amazingly clear photo of a red and gold "Plasma Craft" was taken by Carlos Diaz in 1994, near his home in Tepetzlan, Mexico. Carlos claims to have had contacts with this race of "ETs" for over 17 years. Carlos has never been told what they are called or where they are from, but on his contact trips he goes aboard the craft and they take him inside the Earth. Here he claims to see great "Halls of Remembrance" filled with flora, fauna, music and samples of all life forms on the surface. These will be used to repopulate the world if, as they fear, Mankind destroys the surface of the planet.

Other Images

Submitted by Barbara Davis, a photo taken by a friend Elizabeth, on the Pacific coastline between Pacific Grove and Carmel, California on July 27, 1996 at 2 PM. One object was round and the other like a boomerang, scooting around the sky in no particular pattern. Notice the condensation trails.

Recent UFO Photo in Valley, Alabama - September 16, 1996. Here are the details.

Stanton Friedman talked about The Brazilian Varginha Case, on Coast to Coast. Here is the article by P.H.Andrade, translated to English entitled: Varginha ET Case - The Whole Story

Phoenix UFO Images

Here are images from Jim Dilettoso, discussed on Coast to Coast June 20, 1997. These are stills from videos.

Art and Ramona's 2nd UFO Sighting

Here is an artist's rendering (Randy Stiefer) of the UFO sighting by Art and Ramona on Memorial Day 1997. Here are Real Audio segments from the broadcast, where Art and Ramona describe the sighting and take calls. - Download this episode.

Space Shuttle

Here is an excerpt from the STS-51 video showing an object moving through the field of view. 330K AVI file.

John Bro Sunset UFOs

More UFOs in the Sunset in Montreal, photo by Marcel Trudel.

UFOs in the Sunset, submitted by John Bro

Mike Hawkins' Saucers

These two photos, scanned by Art from photographs provided by Mike Hawkins, Roswell NM.

Lee and Brit Elders Images

These two photos, scanned by Art from photographs provided by Lee and Brit Elders, will be discussed on Dreamland, April 20, 1997.

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