Phil Schneider Censored Wikipedia Article

Last Updated on September 4, 2021 by Raider1

Philip Schneider (194704-23 – January 1996) claimed to be an ex-government structural engineer involved in building deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.) in the United States. The majority of information concerning Schneider is controversial in nature and is sourced primarily from his own claims. These claims may or may not be true, have not been objectively proven, and have received little mainstream attention. It is however objectively factual that he has made such claims (regardless of if the information in such claims is true) and he has hence proven to be a person of interest to UFO enthusiast groups.

For the last two years of his life, Schneider gave over 30 lectures to a variety of audiences across the globe, concerning conspiracy theories in which he claimed to be leaking information exposing the actions of a secret government.

Schneider said he possessed a level 3 security clearance, “Rhyolite 38 “, and that he was one of only three people to survive a violent battle in which 66 humans died (44 of which were American and 22 from other countries), which he claimed occurred in 1979 between “Grey aliens” and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base.[1]

Schneider was found dead in his Wilsonville, Oregon apartment on 199601-17. He had apparently been dead for several days (perhaps up to a week), and reportedly had a rubber hose wrapped three times around his neck. Regardless of such rumors, Tim Swartz writes that “Clackamas County Coroner‘s office initially attributed Philip Schneider’s death to a stroke.”

Some suggest Schneider was murdered; supposedly because he was leaking information to the public, unveiling conspiracies. He in fact claimed to have avoided 13 murder attempts taken on his life during the time in which he was lecturing on conspiracy theories. He suffered multiple physical illnesses (osteoporosiscancer, injuries). Officially, suicide is now stated as the cause of death.



Philip’s parents were Oscar and Sally Schneider. Oscar Schneider was a Captain in the United States Navy, worked in nuclear medicine and helped design the first nuclear submarines. Captain Schneider was also part of Operation Crossroads, which was responsible for the testing of nuclear weapons in the Pacific. He claims that his father discovered alien implants in the bodies of participants of the Philadelphia Experiment.[2]

In a lecture videotaped in May 1995, Schneider said that his father, Captain Otto Oscar Schneider, was a captured U-boat commander, was involved with the infamous Philadelphia Experiment, and invented a high speed camera which showed UFO’s during the Bikini atomic tests.[3]

Schneider’s Claims

  • “They”, meaning apparently the government or rogue elements pertaining to the government, know all about the truthfulness of the conspiracies which Schneider presents and “they” are telling next to no one.
  • There are 11 different races of extraterrestrial Aliens that visit our planet “all the time”. All of which are known by the U.S. military. Two of these races are benevolent towards humans and nine are “bad news”. “But the benevolent ones (the 2 races) have supposedly left. They have their own little war of sorts; especially the ‘Play-ah-dee-shan’ (spelt phonetically) groups and whatnot like that.” He also mentions a group or race where an individual would be referred to as a “ven-ooz-ee-an” (spelt phonetically). He says their speech sounds similar to a whale mixed with chirping noises. There are some aliens that look human. He says that a human-looking alien who is “one of the aliens who has been working for the pentagon for the last 58 years (in 1995). His name is ‘Val -Valiant- Thor’ (spelling may be incorrect).”
  • Aliens “use our glandular secretions as part of their food base.” In one lecture, I believe he said it was equivalent to a drug for them, such as crack.
  • There is currently a war against Earth waged by aliens. There are alien spacecraft (UFOs / flying saucers) which attack Earth on a daily basis and are “shot down” by our government. He shows a picture of an atomic explosion and says that the black blobs in the picture are alien ships. “About 6 million to 7 million human beings have been slaughtered by the aliens at this present time,” says Phil in his lecture at the Preparedness Expo of 1995.
  • There is a “New World Order” in formation, in which secret forces are conspiring to conquer the world and rule over a fascist one-world government. He says that aliens are somehow related to this. He also says that once they are in power they will thin out the world’s population. Although Schneider might not mention it, this NWO theory coincides with many people’s suspicions of the Illuminati.
  • Stealth aircraft technology originated from alien technology. He has also said that it would take “another 40 or 50 years” for the public to obtain the kind of technology that’s used in stealth aircraft.[4]
  • There are U.S. “black budget projects” which he says cost trillions of dollars and “garners one quarter of the entire gross national product of these United States.” “At least 1.023 trillion dollars is used in black budget programs.” I think he means $1.023 per year. He says they are funded primarily by illegal government drug-related activities. I think he may have also said that the U.N. plays a hand in funding these activities. He says that government workers involved in black projects make between $4,000 and $40,000 per month. He essentially says that the reason most workers involved in black projects do not come out and spill the beans to the public is because of the amount of money they make in combination with the supposed fact that they sign up to work or otherwise go to prison.
  • One of the government’s black projects is that they have built hundreds of underground bases, said to be in each state of the U.S., as well as some in Canada, northern Mexico, and I believe he said in other areas of the world as well. Specifically he said “there are 129 deep underground bases.” I think he may have meant 129 bases just in the United States.
  • Some aliens live underground (on Earth) and I believe he said they have been for centuries.
  • The U.S. government has been working with the Russians to modify our weather.
  • Military technology is exceeding public technology at the rate of 44 to 45 years of technology for every calander year the public sees. “Right now military technology is about 1200 years more advanced than public state technology.”[4]
  • He describes an incident at Dulce, New Mexico in 1979, where he was supposedly helping to build an undergound base. He says that they encountered hostile aliens, which he calls “large greys” and that upon his immediate reaction he shot and killed two of them with his pistol. Supposedly afterwhich, when reloading his weapon, another alien shot a radioactive blast at him, injuring him severely. He says that it took many months to recover from the radioactive blast and that he has had physical repercussions from it ever since; such as missing fingers on his hand. He also says that 66 American soldiers died that day in the underground base, fighting the aliens, and only three survived (including himself). As for the other two survivors, he claims that they are “somewhere in these United States” and “under close guard.”[3] He then says that one of them is “living in Canada.”[3] He also says that one supposedly cannot speak and one doesn’t want to speak.

Legitimacy / Criticism

As with any conspiracy theorist, there are a large number of people who would object to the validity of Schneider’s claims. Many of the things he says would seem outrageous and entirely unbelievable to most people. In response to this, some believers have said that most people have built in “slides” that short circuit the mind’s critical examination process when it comes to certain sensitive topics.[5] “Slides” is reported to be a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead ends a person’s thinking and terminates debate or examination of the topic at hand.[5] In other words, a believer might say to a skeptic that he or she should have a more “open mind.”

Arguments For

Although it is not confirmed as fact, many would say that Phil Schneider appears to have been murdered.[6] During his lectures he claimed that he had 13 attempts taken to claim his life, by government agents trying to silence him. It could certainly be said that this is the most convincing of the reasons to consider Schneider’s claims as having merit to them.

When Schneider was found dead, all of his “artifacts”/evidence, supporting his conspiracy theories, was found missing. Appearing as though a murderer had silenced him and stolen the “proof” of what his claims.

Schneider’s primarily claims to have obtained his information from having worked for the government as a “geological engineer as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications,” and that he worked to help build secret underground military bases, described as underground cities. In an intro to one of his lecture videos, it says he worked like this for 17 years.[4] To add believablity to this claim, he shows a picture of his purported military security clearance. As for the original, he says he ripped it up and disposed of it, after quitting his military position. It was said to be a “level three security clearance (Rhyolite 38).”[4] All of this certainly could be investigated to determine if the government has records of Phillip Schneider as a member of the military. Some would say, however, that even if he were not to be found in such records, that this could be explained by the idea that secretive government projects would not have their members on record and available to the public.

He specifically says that there is a human-looking alien who is “one of the aliens who has been working for the pentagon for the last 58 years,” and that “His name is “Val ‘Valiant’ Thor.” He points to a picture of this character in his lectures. Although this may be an outrageous claim, it is a specific one, and as such it could potentially be investigated and verified as believable or not.

At his lectures, he presents what may appear to be physical evidence supporting his claims.[7] The validity of this evidence is however questionable, as it has not been verified other than by the naked eyes of audience members.

More generally, there are reasons, not directly related to exactly what was presented by Schneider, which may support his claims. There are many conspiracy theories from many sources, with much testimonial, all supporting his arguments. Many people claim there are reasons to believe in the existence of much of these things. Such information is not presented in this article however, as it is far too broad of a spectrum of beliefs to cover here in detail. For additional information, one might simply search the Internet.

Arguments Against

First and foremost, the claims made by Phillip Schneider may be considered by most to be outrageous and clearly in defiance of common sense. This however is the case with most conspiracy theories, as it is meant to “uncover the truth” and defy what is commonly, “falsely” believed to be true.

One of the largest objections to the truthfulness of what Schneider says is that on record he generally does not attempt to prove his assertions with any hard evidence; whether it be physical evidence or not. That is to say that for every unbelievable statement he makes, he should specifically offer reasoning or evidence to back-up his claim; however, usually he does not. Although, he does offer some “artifacts”, as he calls them, at every lecture for the audience to view. These consist primarily of clumps of rock-like materials that he says are comprised of elements beyond the known periodic table, as well as photographs showing out-of-focus blobs which he says are UFO’s. However this evidence is not verified in any way as being legitimate, other than having audience members look them over with their naked eye. Some may point out that throughout his lectures, he does give the audience opportunity to ask questions. However, they rarely, if ever, ask for any sort of proof or evidence; and instead ask mostly for clarification and specification of his claims.

Another major objection to Schneider’s claims, as well as with many conspiracy theories, is that if so many people are involved with these described happenings, then why are so many of them silent and not leaking any information to the public? An audience member once presented this question to Schneider, and he answered by saying that the people involved make enormous amounts of money, which they do not want to compromise, and also that people do not wish to compromise their personal well-being by putting their life in jeopardy by coming out and informing the public as he has.

An example where Schnieder may have been inconsistant in his story is when he said that military technology is exceeding public technology at the rate of 44 to 45 years of technology for every calander year the public sees.[4] He then said, “Right now military technology is about 1200 years more advanced than public state technology.”[4] If you do the math, this would mean that at the ratio of 44 (military “years”) to 1 (actual years), it has taken only about 27 years for the military to achieve technology which is “1200 years” beyond the public sector. This certainly seems not to make much sense, as it would mean to say that for 27 years the military has been at a ratio of 44:1, while prior to that it was at a ratio of 1:1. One could argue, however that his claim was only that the rate of military technological advancement is currently at 44:1, and certainly may have been lower within the past 27 years, meaning this extreme rate of advancement has built up gradually over a longer period of time. This would add believablity to his claim.

However, to continue to analyze Schneiders claim of military technology increasing at a rate of 44:1 over public technology, one should notice that immediately after making this claim, he seems to condradict himself by saying that the technology employed in stealth aircraft is something where “we couldn’t get in the public sector for maybe another 40 or 50 years.”[4] If you do the math, this claim does not add up to make any kind of sense. If the rate of military advancement were 44:1, then that would mean 1760:40 or 2200:50. This means he is saying that the technology in stealth aircraft is currently between 1,760 and 2,200 years ahead of the public. However, a few sentences earlier in his speech, he had just claimed that the military is currently only 1,200 years beyond the public sector. Certainly this is a contradiction. However, some may argue that it is not a large enough error in numbers to warrant inconsistancy, as he essentially said that “1200 years” and “40 or 50 years” was by his estimation, therefore leaving room for a bit of inconsistancy. Nonetheless, its suspiciousness is worthy of note.

External links


  1. ^ Video recording of a lecture given by Phil Schneider in August of 1995, 45 minutes into the video.
  2. ^ Video recording of a lecture given by Phil Schneider in August of 1995
  3. a b c Video recording of a lecture given by Phil Schneider in May of 1995 in Post Falls, Idaho
  4. a b c d e f g Video recording of a lecture given by Phil Schneider in November of 1995 at the Preparedness Expo
  5. a b
  6. ^ – A Message from the ex-wife of Philip Schneider, concerning his suspicious death
  7. ^ Video recording of a lecture given by Phil Schneider in August of 1995, 1 hour 6 minutes into the video.

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