Last Updated on August 21, 2021 by Raider1


I was triggered.

I didn’t know it at the time, but the following story planted a seed.

I frequent Reddit, and someone had posted an image of the back seat of JFK’s limo at Parkland Hospital after he was taken inside. I happened to have a different angle of the same subject matter on my hard drive, so I uploaded it to Imgur and shared it in the thread.

Someone asked, “What else do you have on your hard drive?”

Many interesting things, my friends. What’s on yours? Perhaps I could start a community where such information could be shared, I thought and fast foward a month or so, and here we are.

Also, I love the awful look and feel of the early Internet. I love the simplicity of a hand-coded HTML page. (Well, they probably had a little help from Dreamweaver or CoffeeCup.)

I figured there were others who felt the same. Also, there’s a robust audience who still listens to the old shows from the 90s and when the website is mentioned, you just know it’s long gone. I wanted to change that.

Even though some of the information is outdated or a little off the wall, it needs to be preserved.

Can’t I just view this content on the Internet Archive? 

Yes, but in some cases, images and links are broken. Also, the pages on the Archive aren’t indexed or searchable. In many cases, we have left links in our content that lead to the archived pages because it wasn’t necessary to recreate the information.

You will also find that we link to the Archive page(s) where we found the content right at the bottom of EVERY page so you can view the original. If there are no links, you’re viewing our original content.

Are you affiliated with any of these radio hosts or other people?

No. Just a fan.

Are you doing this to make money?

Hardly. I have a few affiliate links sprinkled around, but so far I’m in about 36 hours of work in and in the red.

Who is Raider1?

Anonymity is valued here just as it was in the old days of the Internet. Here’s what I will share:

I am a female. I’m a long-time conspiracy, alt news, paranormal, etc. buff. I’m a fan of the OGs. I’m here to serve this community.

How can I leave feedback or ask a question?

Send us an email or use one of the many comment sections on the site.

Why “RadioRaider”?

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but good domain names are getting more scarce all the time. Then, there’s also some odd power out there who has decided that even if you manage to think of something good that’s available, it could be a “premium” domain and cost $$$$’s. Web dev problems.